BingBox Story

Bingbox was born out of a love of Korean snow cream. The possibility of introducing this fluffy, cream-like, snowy delicacy to New Yorkers — and its millions of visitors — finally became a reality in April 2016 when we opened in Manhattan!

At Bingbox, we represent an innovative take on modern Korean snow cream, revolutionizing it by infusing flavors into the snow itself, offering a unique ice base of mango, matcha, taro, and other distinctive tastes. Using fresh ingredients, our snow cream is a healthier, lighter alternative to traditional ice cream or frozen yogurt, resulting in the finest and purest snowflakes. As the first snow cream company in the U.S. with this unique product, you would definitely be having a taste of something special!

Business Strategy

Bingbox is committed to become the most innovative restaurant, dessert concept store in the world by offering some of the most unique and healthy dessert selections. We create an exceptionally strong connection with customers through social media platforms.

From the beginning, Bingbox set social media goals that align with our overall business strategy and value. To accomplish this task, Bingbox discover and build relationship with influencers who can amplify our message with the new target market. Partner with influencers and brands to also leverage and grow our audience within the new target market. We also use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube to create and promote branded content that drives top-of-the funnel growth in the new market and positions our brand as a premier option.

Franchise Opportunities

Our mission is to change the way people think about dessert by introducing unique combinations of frozen treats and drinks. We work closely with numerous companies and manufactures to ensure we provide the best quality products and services to our customers. To help achieve our goal, we are constantly looking for the right partnership to expand our brand and concepts. Currently we have locations in New York City and Dallas. We are also a proud partner of BK Korea to help assist with our expansion plans which includes South East Asia, Middle East and Latin America. We hope Bingbox will soon become a global brand and can be enjoyed everywhere!

BK KOREA│CEO : Yeong Deok Lee
8, Seonju-ro 54beon-gil, Gyeyang-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Fax No. : +82-32-581-8937 Email :

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